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Urbanic App
A discount and money saving app
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Urbanic App

A new discount app.
Simply put in your details, visit your favourite stores and enjoy free items and huge
discounts for all your favourite local shops

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Explore your local shops and services 
Find a new favourite juice bar, club, restaurant, shops and more or the find the latest Deals and Save money using your Urbanic coins. 
With an easy to use interface its easy to explore your local deals. the App keeps your preferences so it knows your wants and needs, there's always a deal near you for you.
Get deals instantly with an easy to use interface

Each discount and deal, on the home tab, is tailor-chosen for the user. The closest deals are displayed just below the map making it ideal for intuitive user experience.

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Choose your mission location and how to get there. We offer all options, the best part is that you can use your app coins to pay
The user interface has a playful feel to it, with bright colours and fun animations. The user experience is simple and intuitive with clear prompts that guide you seamlessly through to the conclusion of the flow.
Earn more coins by going on missions
Missions are our attempt to gamify the app, we have made the shopping experience fun. On your mission earn coins by making a series of purchases in different locations that, when bought together within a time frame, can double or even triple the number of coins you earn.
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Past Purchases
Never lose your details, everything is cloud-based.

Explore your map from the past, check out old missions, share your achievements and get rewarded

Explore all the ways to spend your coins
Browse your options, there is something for everyone
The concept of the App is broad so it can apply to almost anything. The benefits to the shop owners and the customer are huge.  More traffic in shops, plagued by evermore online sales, means more shop sales and customers get to support their local community while making big savings.
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