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GreenAer is the home of the change makers.
They have made it their mission to improve lives by bettering
personal transport and creating a platform to care for the planet.
Through premium electric bikes, accessories and a commitment
to the ultimate customer service experience, GreenAer is Powering Change.
Welcome to
The team at matrix Internet and myself
were hired by GreenAer to create a
new website to go with their brand update.
The following is our process and journey
in making this website and expanding the
Greenaer brand
The Planning
The planning process starts with talking to the client and setting realistic goals. UX Design Stage Identify key user segments, create detailed user personas based on demographics, behaviors, goals, and pain points. Identifying User
A creative electric bike e-commerce website. Icons Colour scheme Typeface Photography Creating a successful website involves several key stages, each with specific tasks and estimated time frames: User Types Consideration: Ensure wireframes and prototypes cater to different user types' navigation and interaction preferences. Screens Illustrations

Logging App

A new way to take control of your co2 output.

SEE THE DESIGN PROCESS Homepage or SELECT A FOOD ICON Missions Welcome/sign up Weekly report on boarding Logging Academy Help page Book an ecar