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Discover More Data Space for Skills (DS4Skills)
Data Space for Skills (DS4Skills) is a new initiative aiming to create a shared open source network for sharing and accessing skills data from all over Europe. .
Discover More Logo Creation

The logo and brand draw inspiration from the company's name, encapsulating concepts derived from its core ethos and values.
Discover More Brand

A captivating array of visual elements was crafted in conjunction with the logo, enhancing its overall appeal and reinforcing the brand's visual identity.


The Brief

As a new Europe-wide project based in Brussels, DS4Skills needed an engaging visual identity and a site that was accessible to people from many countries, with a wide range of digital abilities
The European Commission has funded the DS4Skills project with a view to developing a human-centric and trusted Data Space for Skills.Matrix has developed a track record in Europe for helping to create brands and communication strategies to promote Europe-wide initiatives that improve skills, accessibility and sustainability.

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Visual Identity

At Matrix we applied our own set of skills to create a new visual identity package including all logo design, fonts, brand guidelines and branded documents. We then applied our new branding concepts to the new website’s user interface. DS4Skills now has an engaging user-focused platform as a foundation for future growth in the skills-sharing space.Branding was a collaborative process from the first discovery session. We prepared a visual identity questionnaire, and the responses informed the design team’s direction for visual assets and the brand definition document.

Establishing a consistent look and feel across all client media is a crucial step in building a strong brand identity. This consistency helps to reinforce brand recognition and create a cohesive visual experience for your audience. Here's a general outline of steps we took

Identity Toolkit

Create Brand Guidelines:
We develop ed comprehensive brand guidelines that outline the rules for using the brand's visual assets consistently across all media. This included rules for logo usage, typography, colour palette, imagery style, and any other relevant design elements.
Social media
Apply the brand guidelines consistently across all client media channels, including digital platforms (website, social media, email newsletters) and print materials (business cards, brochures, signage). Ensure that all design elements adhere to the established guidelines.
Iterate and Refine
We also continuously reviewed and refined the implementation of the brand identity across different media channels. We Solicited feedback from stakeholders and made adjustments as needed to ensure consistency and effectiveness.
Define Brand Identity
We Started by clearly defining the client's brand identity, including their values, mission, and target audience. This informs the visual elements we choose to represent the brand.
By following these steps, we ensure that the client's brand identity is effectively communicated across all media channels, helping to build trust and recognition among their target audience.
Training Stakeholders
It was imotant to educate relevant stakeholders, including employees and external partners, on the importance of maintaining brand consistency and how to properly implement the brand guidelines in their respective roles.

DS4Skills website The website is an accessible, UX-optimised platform with ample white space, subtle use of branding palette and logos, and bold, engaging images.

The elements created during the brand design process was the foundation for the new web user interface for the new brochure site.
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User Interface The navigation is simple and intuitive, offering information about the initiative, including a new ‘Resource Centre’ — an information hub for updates and new developments. arrow_forward Make Appointment 0{{current_slide_index}} - 0{{total_slide_count}} Challenges & Contraints Because of time and budget constraints, a fully bespoke website solution was not possible. However, Matrix has a library of templates created for previous clients that we can quickly transform and customise. arrow_forward Make Appointment 0{{current_slide_index}} - 0{{total_slide_count}} Project Goals Our development team created new layouts for DS4Skills based on the project goals from the discovery phase, while adhering to the digital brand guidelines and identity toolkit. arrow_forward Make Appointment 0{{current_slide_index}} - 0{{total_slide_count}} Exceptional flexibility The website offers exceptional flexibility, enabling seamless adjustments on demand. This empowers customers with the freedom to expand and evolve their online presence as needed. arrow_forward Make Appointment 0{{current_slide_index}} - 0{{total_slide_count}} Happy customer Above all, the customer expressed utmost satisfaction with the final product. The seamless alignment of the brand identity with the website was deemed pivotal to the success of the endeavour, underscoring its integral role in achieving the desired outcomes. arrow_forward Make Appointment 0{{current_slide_index}} - 0{{total_slide_count}} chevron_left chevron_right s. Contact