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Learn More CPAS is the only construction industry specific retirement planning service in Ireland. CPAS are the dedicated non-profit authority who can guide and administer the right pension fund for any company's employees. Website Design Retirement planning for construction professionals See Project 09:41 wifi network_cell Learn More Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo Create Beautiful Apps Material UI Slider Download 09:41 wifi network_cell Learn More Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo Create Beautiful Apps Material UI Slider Download 09:41 wifi network_cell keyboard_arrow_right keyboard_arrow_left

About the project For the CPAS web design project, I used their brand as a starting point and expanded upon it to create a cohesive visual tone. This involved creating custom illustrations, curating imagery, and developing a sitemap, wireframes, and designs to ensure a seamless user experience. Creating a visual tone arrow_back UX/UI design arrow_back Conclusion arrow_back We Created an intuitive and engaging user experience that ensures a seamless, enjoyable digital experience for the customer. Our design encompasses the creation of interfaces that understand user needs, behaviors, and motivations to craft interfaces that provide seamless and enjoyable experiences. Considering the CPAS ecosystem, we carefully analysed various audience segments and their motivations for visiting the website. By understanding user tasks and preferences, we were able to tailor the experience to meet the diverse needs of users, ultimately enhancing their interaction with the platform. Challenge Solution Designing a user-centric website for CPAS posed a unique challenge due to its specialized nature as the only construction industry-specific retirement planning service in Ireland. Understanding the intricate needs of both companies and their employees in the construction sector was essential to create an intuitive and effective platform. Moreover, the website needed to streamline the consultation process, making it engaging and interactive while maintaining professionalism. To address these challenges, I embarked on a comprehensive UX/UI design process. This involved meticulous wireframing and sitemap creation to map out the user journey and ensure seamless navigation. For the UI design, I developed new branding materials, including icons and design elements, to align with CPAS's identity while infusing a modern and user-friendly aesthetic. Central to the solution was redesigning the consultation process to be more interactive and engaging, with each step presented as singular tasks on separate pages, enhanced by subtle animations. Outcome The outcome of this project was a user-focused website that effectively serves CPAS's mission. By implementing a more interactive and engaging design for the consultation process, user engagement and conversion rates increased significantly. The streamlined navigation and intuitive interface garnered positive feedback from both companies and employees in the construction industry. Overall, the redesigned website successfully positions CPAS as a trusted authority in retirement planning for the construction sector, enhancing its reputation and impact in Ireland. Web and UX Design Transformation Case Study Timeline Initially, we evenly allocated our time across research, UX design, developing the design system, and facilitating UI and component handoff. However, as we delved deeper, it became apparent that certain areas demanded more focus and often overlapped. As a team, we adapted swiftly, collaborating closely to synchronize efforts and meet our deadlines effectively. Research & onboarding client User Experience Design Design system User interface Design Hand over Briefing Wireframing Design Handoff From ideation
to graphic design
0{{current_slide_index}} One of the key challenges we encountered during the site's development stemmed from the company's limited branding, confined primarily to its logo. To address this, we undertook the task of amplifying the brand identity, crafting a comprehensive array of assets that we seamlessly integrated into the website's design.
The highlight of this endeavor was the development of an interactive sign-up form, streamlining the process for users while elevating the aesthetic appeal. With the client's satisfaction serving as validation, it's clear that our dedication to innovation and user-centric design has paid off. Moving forward, I am excited to continue pushing boundaries and creating impactful digital experiences that resonate with users and exceed client expectations. Conclusion In wrapping up this CPAS website project, I am immensely proud of the collaborative effort and creative exploration that went into delivering a solution tailored to the client's needs.
By weaving together intuitive UI/UX design, expanded branding elements, custom icons, and captivating graphics, we've crafted a digital experience that reflects CPAS's commitment to excellence in pensions administration services.
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