Objective: To create a new logo and website for Peter and Kinta Oakes that was both dynamic and still was easy to use and kept within their demographics of early 30's to late 60's.
Challenge: Peter Oakes, whos architecture company was well established, wanted to join forces with his wife, who was starting a new landscaping business. They wanted their own brands but also wanted them similar enough so that they could be recognised as related. furthering challenges were that Peter already had a well-liked and recognisable logo which they did not want to veer too far from. The website also had to reflect this.
Conclusion: Two logos were created that could be formed into one easily while still encompassing elements from the old logo. Colour was used to distinguish each business as their own while the style and font were kept the same overall. The Website was Split into two sections (Landscape and Architecture) with a common Homepage reflected the split in the business and provided both info and links to the businesses Landing pages.